Today I made my first soaker from the pattern. The fleece I used is not a great quality so I don't know how well it will work, but it was pretty easy to make so I'd like to make some more with better fleece and try wool too.
I wish that there were directions on the pattern about what kind of fleece to use. There are so many kinds at the store. Maybe I should know that already. The fleece they sell for making diapers is windpro, so maybe that's what I need to use, but I don't know if that is a brand or a type or if you can buy that kind at the fabric store or if you have to order online. Maybe I will try to contact the person who made the pattern and see if she can tell me.
I ordered the pattern a long time ago and just after I did, I made my first wool soaker where you just cut a sweater in a triangle and it made the cute shorties and longies posted earlier. So then I was wondering if it was worth it to buy this pattern, but now that I've made it I think it is a better fit than the triangle soaker and I'm glad I have it.
I'm often excited to get things made and make careless mistakes. So when I was making this soaker I cut the medium sized body and waist and the XL leg bands and didn't realize it until I had sewn one on, but fortunately it was easy to fix. :-)
1 comment:
You can use alpine fleece or antipill fleece from the fabric store, but windpro is a brand specific to the Malden Mills factory-- you have to order it directly by the bolt or through yahoo co-ops (where people do group buys at wholesale prices). Go to yahoo and search for "diaper fabric" in groups & you will find diaper fabric nirvana! :)
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