Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Diapers I Recommend

These are the diapers I would recommend trying. I would recommend getting a total of 12 diapers and 4-6 covers in any combination and see what you like the best and then buy more of that.

If you want to try prefolds
Chinese or Indian prefolds with Bummis Super Whisper Wraps or Flip one-size covers.

If you want to try fitteds
Mother Ease Sandy's bamboo (or cotton if you are more concerned about money than bulk) with Mother Ease Air Flow snap covers or Bummis Whisper Pants.

If you want to try hybrids
The Flip system and/or the Best Bottom system

If you want to try pockets
bumGenius or Fuzzi Bunz

If you want to try an all-in-one
I guess bumGenius, but I haven't actually tried any others

Monday, June 14, 2010

Diapers I've Tried

You can save a lot of money by using cloth diapers. However, if it becomes a hobby to try different kinds and make your own like it did for me you won't save quite as much. You will still save though and you will probably be able to sell a lot of your used diapers which you can't do with disposables. I have already sold some stuff that I didn't like.

And now, Nicki's Diapers http://www.nickisdiapers.com/ has a 15 day wash and return policy where you can try anything and if you don't like it, wash it and return it within 15 days for store credit. I would have saved tons of money if they had this when I started using cloth. Nicki's is a great place to shop because they have tons of selection in diapers as well as all kinds of other mom and baby stuff.

Here is a list of the diapers I've tried. I have found that I like different styles of diapers for different stages. I put the ones that I used most in bold and indicated which stage I used them in. I am just starting to diaper my second baby and so far I am following a similar trend, but will probably make a few changes.

Chinese - size nb and infant secured with a snappy for first baby, trifolded for second baby
Indian - size nb and infant secured with a snappy for first baby, trifolded for second baby
Econobum by bumGenius
Blue Penguin snap on hemp



Little Lions
Under the Nile
Ecobaby Absorb-it-all - size medium and large
Ecobaby Grow-with-me
Mother Ease Sandy's Bamboo - size large
Mother Ease Sandy's Cotton - size large
Mother Ease one-size bamboo - started using at the same time as Sandy's but did not fit as long
Organic cotton Dream-Eze
Happy Heiny Heiny Hugger
bumGenius bamboo

Bummis Super Whisper Wrap - w/prefolds
Bummis Super Snap
Bummis Whisper Pant - w/fitteds
Thirsties - w/prefolds
Mother Ease Air Flow snap - w/Mother Ease diapers
Sun Seedlings side-snap PUL
Stacinator So Simple - w/Mother Ease diapers


g Diapers
Flip one-size cover w/ stay-dry insert - the covers are good for all sizes, but I only like the inserts on the largest size. otherwise they are too bulky
Flip one-size cover w/ organic cotton insert
Best Bottom snap shell - These are new so I've only used them with my second child. This is a one-size cover and so far they are too bulky with the Best Bottom insert but work well with a tri-folded newborn prefold.
Best Bottom stay-dry insert - These are new so I've only used them with my second child. They are too bulky in the Best Bottom shell but work well in the Flip cover. I am not a big fan of microfiber so I am looking forward to trying the hemp inserts, but so far they have not been able to keep them in stock.

bumGenius one-size - I used these for quite a while as overnight diapers and for a period when my son had outgrown infant prefolds but I hadn't discovered Mother Ease fitted diapers. They fit well, but they can be harder to wash because of odors and repelling and they wear out much faster than cotton or bamboo diapers. If you are going to diaper full-time with these you will need at least 24 and I'm still not sure how many children you could diaper with them. That being said, you would still save a lot of money even if you bought 24bG diapers for each of your children instead of buying disposables.
Fuzzi Bunz - I only had these in small
Dry Bees fleece nighttime
Bum Wear one-size
